M Hafijul Islam Khan, Executive Director at Centre for Climate Justice Bangladesh (CCJ-B)

M Hafijul Islam Khan, Executive Director at Centre for Climate Justice Bangladesh (CCJ-B)


M. Hafijul Islam Khan is an environmental lawyer, who has been working on legal issues related to the environment and climate change for the past 15 years. Mr. Khan has been a climate negotiator and a member of the core negotiating team for the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) Group with the Bangladesh Delegation since 2011. He is the Executive Director of Climate Justice-Bangladesh (CCJ-B) and teaches Environmental Law at both North South University and Independent University, Bangladesh. He is a member of IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law. Mr. Khan provided consultancy services to different national and international organizations including Government of Bangladesh (GoB), UNDP, ADB, IUCN-Bangladesh, Oxfam-GB, Germanwatch-Germany, LRI-UK on legal and policy issues related to environment, natural resource management and climate change.Mr. Khan has LL.M degrees from University of Dhaka and Central European University. He has also completed a number of diplomas and short courses on climate law from a number of reputed universities including the University of Oxford. Mr. Khan has published several papers on climate change legal issues, including ‘Exploring the Structures and Functions of the WIM to Address Loss and Damage Associated with Climate Impacts’ published by World Scientific in 2015.


Industry experience

Education: Masters

Seniority: Manager, Director, Professor

Years of experience: 10 to 20 years
